Artist Spotlight – Bethan Davies

I love that I am able to follow the progression in an artist very close to me, my friend Bethan Davies. In thought that book covers are so important these days – I can’t wait to see her begin work on my first novel, in turn she will love seeing her art work distributed and shown off in such a way.
What makes an artist stand out, well that would be originality and a sense of identification. I’m now beginning to see Beth’s art take on a new direction; this is her latest piece recently posted up on her personal instagram @bethmdavies
I’m in awe on the mystery that the piece takes on, set in bold lines and filler that builds into an almost water colour feel. It gives off the impression of reality and not. A woman in two minds, a person in separate dimensions. Beth uses faces that spell out a story in every line of the skin, her work is bold gutsy and powerful. Follow her journey

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